Just as Module 1 teaches you foundational rules and concepts upon which to play, Module 2 is specially designed to teach you an optimal system for betting. Without the proper betting pattern, you are doomed to failure. Many people reflexively use betting patterns based on hunches, instinct, superstition or simply on what has worked for them in the past. This is not a system, but a recipe for disaster.
It’s about putting yourself in control
As we mentioned in Module 1, having no system or strategy means you cannot measure or control your results effectively. There are no feedback loops and as a result mistakes are made and losses occur. The idea with Module 2 is to move your betting strategy to a new level. In doing so, you have a predictable, repeatable and flexible system that enables you and not the casino to remain in control. A betting system is like having a roadmap. It shows you the stops along the way and the best route to get to where you want to be. This enables you to plan ahead. The Casino Busters’ system means that at every step you are in control and aware of what your next step will be.
A proven tool for winning more, and more often
Module 2 is a unique betting pattern designed especially for Blackjack play. By following Casino Busters’ system, you will consistently minimise your losses and consistently maximise your winnings. This betting system is a proven tool for winning at Blackjack every time you play. Its inherent flexibility enables you to bet from a minimum amount, right up to a higher wager. For example: Starting with a wager of $25.00, seven consecutive wins playing our Module 2 will give you a return of $1175.00. In comparison, seven consecutive wins betting $25.00 each time will return you only $175.00. Using Casino Busters’ Module 2, even at your 3rd consecutive win your return is $250.00.